10. Bonus Assignment (Copy)


A Scavenger Hunt

Copy of 2_12_2020 Wide Goals_.png

Your task:

There are 12 cards below, that each highlight a different skill we’ve learned.

Your challenge is to choose at least 5 cards (more if you want) and make a different photo for each one - that represents this one specific skill.

Each card has a title and short explanation. For example, the first card is ‘get low’.


If you choose to take a photo for this card you would make sure the photo is taken at the eye level of your child, or even lower.

Please note, there are four cards, including this one above, that have a red dot in the top right corner. It indicates it’s one of the cards I strongly recommend trying - because it helps internalise some of the most useful skills. So even if the photo doesn’t work out as you’d planned - you’ll still gain benefit from putting the skill into practice.

The subject:

This time the subject is your family - to make the task even more meaningful and the feedback even more relevant. Take the photos of your kids doing everyday things - and don’t ever think a moment is too insignificant to capture.

“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.” 

– Marc Riboud

A quick note about feedback if you have this option:

Feedback students, please submit photos you are happy with - which means take some time to experiment with each skill, trying different angles and compositions. Send your final photos via the link on your personal page.

Because good feedback is both specific, timely and on-going, I welcome you to resubmit any images for your specific task cards once more, after you’ve received the first feedback.  Also, if you have any questions afterwards, please don’t hesitate to ask.



IMPORTANT: If you’d like a reminder of any specific skills simply click on the square below and it will take you straight to the corresponding lesson.

A PDF to have on hand

Jess Haverkamp